“Governors bring a wealth of educational and other expertise to the school, which helps them challenge and support the school well.”
Ofsted, October 2024
Our Governing Board draws on people with a range of expertise, knowledge and experience. We meet at least termly for full Governing Board meetings and all governors sit on the Finance, Personnel & Premises Committee. The governors focus their support for the school on strategic leadership to drive forward school improvement.
The Governing Board has three key responsibilities:
- To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction for the school.
- To hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
- To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent.
A key role of the Governing Board is monitoring activities within the school. At Browick Road, governors do this by working together to monitor key priorities for the school. This involves visiting school to join lessons, carrying out learning walks with staff, talking to children about their work, meeting teachers and reading teacher reports on curriculum provision and progress.
Please contact the Chair of Governors with any comments or questions you may have using the following email address and we will get back to you with a response, if requested, as soon as we can: chairofgov@browickroad.norfolk.sch.uk
The Governing Board
Instrument of Government
Please click on the link below to view the Instrument of Government document.
Terms of Reference
Please click on the links below to view the Terms of Reference for both the full Governing Board and the Finance, Personnel and Premises Committee.
Register of Interests
Governing Boards are required to publish a register of governors’ pecuniary interests. These are listed under each governor’s individual profile above.
A copy of this register can also be obtained by contacting the school office.
Annual Governance Statement
Please click on the link below to read our latest annual governance statement, which summarises the key matters dealt with by the Governing Board, the governance arrangements for the school and where you can find out more about the school governors.
Attendance at Governor Meeting and Latest Minutes
The attendance of governors at meetings is recorded. The latest minutes from the Full Governing Board can be obtained by contacting the school office.
Governor Training
Governors are actively encouraged to undertake training that is relevant to the role of being a governor. A record is kept of all training and this can be found below.
Governor Monitoring
One of the key roles and responsibilities of the Governing Board is to monitor the progress and performance of the school.
Undertaking visits demonstrates the governors’ role in the strategic management of the school and each governor is encouraged to make at least one visit a year during school time to monitor an area of the School Improvement and Development Plan (SIDP) or other area they are responsible for.
Governor Code of Conduct
We have reviewed the ‘Model code of conduct for maintained school governing bodies’ and confirmed full acceptance of this document at the Full Governing Board meeting on 1st October 2024. A copy of this can be found below.
Interested in becoming a governor at Browick?
We would love to hear from you if you are interested in becoming a school governor at Browick. The role is both challenging and rewarding and you would be joining a Governing Board that works closely as a team to achieve the best possible outcomes for children at the school. We have put together a description of the role, which can be found by clicking here.
Please feel free to contact the Chair of Governors with any questions you may have by emailing chairofgov@browickroad.norfolk.sch.uk.