Year 4 Trip West Stow

On February 5th, Year 4 had a fantastic trip to West Stow as part of their studies in History on Anglo-Saxons!  The children were introduced to the village by Stephanie, who told us all about the different buildings.  We visited each one and investigated them thoroughly!  Our guide also showed us her log boat she was carving with traditional tools such as axes.

Then, we ate lunch together before heading into the Anglo-Saxon Museum!  Inside, there were artefacts and information as well as a secret chest of treasures.  We sat in small groups and brought out different objects which the children had to guess the use of.  There were lots of interesting guesses but the children were quite surprised by some of the answers!

All in all, the Year 4’s really enjoyed their day!  We had fantastic weather, brilliant volunteer helpers and a wonderful experience!

Reception wb 10.2.25

Our story will be:  Chicken Clicking – Jeanne Willis

Our rhyme of the week will be: I had a Little Nut Tree

Our maths work will focus on:  Building 9 and 10

We will also be:  wearing our pyjamas on Wednesday and hunting for numbers around the school.

Reception wb 3.2.25

Our story will be:  Chicken Clicking – Jeanne Willis

Our rhyme of the week will be: I had a Little Nut Tree

Our maths work will focus on:  Length, Height and Time

We will also be:  Talking about e-safety.

Updates from Year 5 – By Ben & Mollie

We had karate black belts come and teach us how to punch kick and more.

We have been doing gymnastics in PE. We did partner work with hoops and ropes.

We also have been practicing dodgeball. Some people went to a dodgeball competition and we came 3rd and 4th !

When we came back from the winter holiday we did 2025 art. We did graphite styled art! 

In Geography we discovered that Europe has a  bigger population than north and south America!

 In English we have been writing action scenes! We even did an obstacle course and pretended we were in an action scene! 

In PSHE we have been doing life saving like the recovery position which is for people who are breathing but unresponsive.

In music we have been going to year 6 to learn how to play guitar and the drums!  

In French we learnt how to say what the weather is like a French forecaster.

In computing we have been learning video techniques and doing reviews on different things!

Nursery Week beginning 3.2.25

Our story will be:  The Suitcase

Our rhyme of the week will be:  Twinkle, Twinkle

Our maths work will focus on:   Repeating patterns – recognising and copying.We will also be:  thinking about feelings, naming them, and deciding whether they are comfortable or uncomfortable, making and ‘packing’ paper suitcases, and making sandwiches for a special tea party.

Reception wb 27.1.25

Our story will be:  Shu Lin’s Grandpa – Matt Goodfellow

Our rhyme of the week will be: I had a Little Nut Tree

Our maths work will focus on:  Growing 6, 7, 8

We will also be:  continuing to learn about China and talking about Chinese New Year.

Nursery week beginning 27.1.25

Our story will be:  The Queen’s Hat

Our rhyme of the week will be:  Humpty Dumpty

Our number work will focus on:   Exploring, recognising and writing number two.

We will also be:  Inventing our own stories based on ‘The Queen’s Hat’, painting the London landmarks we’ve been learning about, exploring rhyming words and having fun with ‘weather-based’ music!

Reception wb 20.1.25

Our story will be:  Shu Lin’s Grandpa – Matt Goodfellow

Our rhyme of the week will be: Michael Finnigan

Our maths work will focus on:  Growing 6, 7, 8

We will also be:  learning about China and Chinese culture.

Violin Lessons

This term, Year 4 has the exciting opportunity to learn the violin!  Today was our first lesson with our teacher, Mrs Buckland.  We learned what the different parts of the violin were called and what they were made of.  We learned what the strings were called and a method of playing called pizzicato where we plucked the strings.  In the picture, you can see some of the children holding their bows! The children all had an amazing time and were very well-behaved.  We cannot wait until our lesson next week!

Nursery w/b 13.1.25

Our story will be:  All through the night

Our rhyme of the week will be:  Heads, shoulders, knees and toes

Our maths work will focus on:   The number one.  What it means, and recognising and representing it.

We will also be:  thinking about different jobs, talking about what we might want to be when we grow up, making junk models of vehicles and exploring light and shadow.

8-12 Browick Road, Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 0QW

Telephone: 01953 603061

When you contact the school, your enquiry will be dealt with by a member of our administration team: Miss Paula Bilverstone (School Administrator), Miss Julie Clarke (Finance Officer) or Mrs. Hannah Jones (Administration Assistant).

SENDCo: Miss Vicki Wild

Paper copies of any information on the school’s website will be provided free of charge. Please contact the school office to request any paper copies required.