Nursery w/b 9.10.23

Our story will be:  I am Nefertiti

Our rhyme of the week will be: Incy Wincy Spider

Our maths work will focus on:  Making comparisons according to size – big, bigger, biggest, small, smaller, smallest

We will also be:  exploring musical instruments and the sounds they make, practising our scissor skills (snipping playdough, spaghetti, leaves and paper), making autumn crowns in Forest School, and learning to recognise and write our names.

8-12 Browick Road, Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 0QW

Telephone: 01953 603061

When you contact the school, your enquiry will be dealt with by a member of our administration team: Miss Paula Bilverstone (School Administrator), Miss Julie Clarke (Finance Officer) or Mrs. Hannah Jones (Administration Assistant).

SENDCo: Miss Vicki Wild

Paper copies of any information on the school’s website will be provided free of charge. Please contact the school office to request any paper copies required.