This term we have been looking at the artist, Hundertwasser. We began our journey earlier in term creating ‘subtractive art’ where the children created images by colouring in a piece of paper entirely with pencil and then using a rubber to draw. The next part was learning a little about Hundertwasser and the art he created. Friedensreich Hundertwasser was an Austrian artist born in 1928. He returned to war-torn Vienna after WW2 ended seeing destroyed buildings and streets full of potholes and bomb craters, filled with rainwater. However, new life had started to spring, including small animals, plants and grass. This inspired him and he was always interested in preserving nature. Hundertwasser was an architect as well as an artist. His work is known for its bright colours and quirky designs. He didn’t like straight lines and this can be seen in his work, and in the work of the children.
They took a piece of art by Hundertwasser and used a viewfinder to focus on a specific part. Then, they enlarged that part in their books before colouring it as brightly and boldly as they could. To emphasise those bright colours and wobbly lines, the children then placed a clear plastic sheet over their art and drew over the lines with a permanent black marker. Our next step is to use different mediums such as paint to create bolder colours!
We hope you enjoy looking at some of our examples!