Olympics Day

We had a fun day completing a carousel of activities in celebration of the upcoming Olympic and Paralympic games in Paris. The children did boccia, seated volleyball, running races, javelin throwing and tri-golf as well some creative torch and medal making activities. The day was bookended by an opening and closing ceremony to talk about the core Olympic values of EXCELLENCE, RESPECT and FRIENDSHIP. A really fun day all round.

8-12 Browick Road, Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 0QW

Telephone: 01953 603061

When you contact the school, your enquiry will be dealt with by a member of our administration team: Miss Paula Bilverstone (School Administrator), Miss Julie Clarke (Finance Officer) or Mrs. Hannah Jones (Administration Assistant).
Email: office@browickroad.norfolk.sch.uk

SENDCo: Miss Vicki Wild
Email: senco@browickroad.norfolk.sch.uk

Paper copies of any information on the school’s website will be provided free of charge. Please contact the school office to request any paper copies required.