Music: We learnt how to sing the song, ‘Ghost Parade’, (Molly-Rose) and we learnt the ‘tempo’ of music (Klay).
Art: In art, we learnt about abstract art and an artist called ‘Friedensreich Hundertwasser'(Isla). He liked nature but hated straight lines (Willow). We used a viewfinder to find a small piece of his painting then drew it onto a paper and painted it unusual colours (Banjamin). We did it small then bigger – it was really fun (Katy).
PE: In PE, we went to the leisure centre in Wymondham for our swimming lessons (Alarna). It is a great way to exercise (Mabel). We got to simple and fun floats (Hugo). I tried to do a dive but ended up doing a roly-poly jump! (Lauren). In rugby, I enjoyed being a tagger pulling the tags off people’s velcro belt (George). In the first few weeks of Year 5, the sports leaders were revealed as Freddie M, Elliot, Isla, Evangeline, Ben, Bertie and Mabel (Freddie).
Science: We have been up to a lot of stuff including mixing salt into water to make an egg float (Bertie).
French: In French, we have learned the numbers 1 to 31. I used to only know up to 10 (Matt).
History: In history, we learnt about the Ancient Greeks and their gods. The Gods I like are Zeus, Poseidon and Hades (Penny & Willow).
English: In English, we have been doing story starters and all of the things that go in them (Elliot).
Maths: In maths, we are learning about rounding up or down to 1,000,000 (Willow).
Edited by: Klay & Evangeline