Denmark Class visit Gressenhall

Today, we went to Gressenhall for our ‘Once Upon a Time’ trip. We had so much fun! Some fairytale items had been stolen from the museum by the Wicked Witch and it was our job to find them! Along the way, we met Griselda (Cinderella’s older sister) who had us doing work on the farm, which included watering, digging up potatoes and doing the washing. We then helped Cinderella with her dusting and found her missing coins. We loved our tractor ride round the farm before lunch! We met a huge Suffolk horse and even saw black turkey chicks! After lunch, we searched for some missing items in the village shop before helping Jack to climb the beanstalk and find the golden egg! We finished up by making potions with the Wicked Witch. Thankfully, we managed to get all the fairytale items returned to the museum. Our imaginations were buzzing today! We had a super time!

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