If you are having to self-isolate here is some English, Maths and Topic work to keep you busy at home. Your class teacher will set work for you on Tapestry as soon as it is ready – so make sure you check daily!
Choose one of your favourite stories (or your school reading book) and complete one of the following activities:
- Retell the story to your grown up verbally or act it out.
- Choose one picture from the book and write sentences to describe what is happening.
- Draw a story map to explain what happens in the story – add sentences, labels or captions.
- Write a character description.
Practise your phonics by using the games on Phonics Play. Click on the resources tab as these games can be accessed for free.
Select phases 3, 4 and 5 and revise all the sounds by playing a variety of games.
Look at the tricky words for each phase. Practice writing and spelling these aloud.
Reading – Daily
Either spend at least 10 minutes reading a book from home or choose a reading lesson from BBC Bitesize Primary – Learning at home – Start a lesson – Select a year group –English – Reading
You are welcome to look at some of the other games and activities.
Select your year group and choose a lesson to work through.
- Practise number bonds within 10 and 20 (both addition and subtraction)
- Try counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
Choose something to research related to our current topic (See the topic maps on the website.) Present the information in your own way using pictures and writing.