Parent Support Adviser and ELSA Support

Parent Support Adviser

Hello! I am Mrs. Debbie Winteringham, the Parent Support Adviser here at Browick Road Primary and Nursery School.

I have worked with children and families for many years, initially in early years. Following this, I worked with families who were involved in the criminal justice system, particularly imprisoned fathers and their children. More recently, I worked for Nelson’s Journey, a childhood bereavement charity, offering 1:1 support and activities for children and their families.  

Both of these roles have involved working closely with parents and carers, often signposting to other services more relevant to their needs. My role in school is quite similar. I have access to a range of information and support on offer in Norfolk, and more widely in some cases.

I am here to meet with parents and carers to explore your concerns. These may relate directly to your child or your family’s general wellbeing, finances, help with referrals to other agencies, or you may just like to come in for a cuppa and a listening ear!

I am at the school on Thursdays, often on the gate at the start and end of the day. Or you can email me at

ELSA Support

ELSAs are Emotional Literacy Support Assistants. They are teaching assistants who have had special training from educational psychologists to support the emotional development of children in school. ELSAs have regular professional supervision from educational psychologists to help them in their work.

We are fortunate to have three trained ELSAs in school: Mrs. Purvis, Mrs. Christian and Mrs. Dring. Teachers refer children who they think would benefit from ELSA support, after first discussing this with parents/carers.

ELSAs can support children in the following ways:

  • Loss and bereavement
  • Emotional literacy
  • Self-esteem
  • Social skills
  • Friendship issues
  • Relationships
  • Managing strong feelings
  • Anxiety and worries
  • Bullying
  • Conflict
  • Emotional regulation
  • Growth mindset
  • Social and therapeutic stories
  • Problem-solving

ELSA intervention is a short-term focused intervention with clear aims, usually half a term in length.

8-12 Browick Road, Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 0QW

Telephone: 01953 603061

When you contact the school, your enquiry will be dealt with by a member of our administration team: Miss Paula Bilverstone (School Administrator), Miss Julie Clarke (Finance Officer) or Mrs. Hannah Jones (Administration Assistant).

SENDCo: Miss Vicki Wild

Paper copies of any information on the school’s website will be provided free of charge. Please contact the school office to request any paper copies required.