Reception’s first school trip!

We had a brilliant visit to Wymondham library. The children walked very sensibly and enjoyed the stories read by Hannah the library person. We explored the different books and read lots. Then some children got books out on their library cards before we had more stories and rhymes before getting back for lunch.

Do join the library if you haven’t already – it’s free and children can choose up to 20 books. There are story CDs and graphic novels, too. You can also order books from any Norfolk library, in many different languages.

Well done reception – and a big  thank you to our parent helpers Cheryl, Katie, Lauren and Madel for making the experience so special for us.

8-12 Browick Road, Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 0QW

Telephone: 01953 603061

School Administrator: Miss Paula Bilverstone

If you would like paper copies of any information on the school’s website, these will be provided free of charge. Please request paper copies from the school office.

SENDCo: Miss Vicki Wild