Our Staff

Leadership Team

Miss Helen Laflin

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss Vicki Wild 

Deputy Headteacher, SENDCo and Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Mrs. Nic Barber 

Subject Leader for Maths, Pupil Premium Leader and Deputy Safeguarding Lead


Mrs. Leila Adams
Nursery and EYFS Leader

Mrs. Beth Robertson
Reception and Subject Leader for English (EYFS & KS1) and PE

Mrs. Sinead Long
Year 1 and Subject Leader for History

Mrs. Lucy Ellice
Year 2 and Subject Leader for Art

Mrs. Nic Harding
Year 2 and Subject Leader for Design & Technology

Mrs. Nic Barber
Year 3

Mrs. Abi Malthouse
Year 4 and Subject Leader for Science/PSHE/RSE and Senior Mental Health Lead

Miss Vicki Wild
Year 4

Mr. Adam Bamford
Year 5 and Subject Leader for Computing and Languages

Miss Clare Walker
Year 6 and Subject Leader for English (KS2) and Music

Mrs. Amy King
Lead SRB Teacher and Subject Leader for Geography

Mrs. Jennie Hunter (maternity leave)

Teaching Assistants

Mrs. Tharindra Senanayake

Mrs. Michelle Wright

Mrs. Karen Zammit-Reeder

Mrs. Allison Boyce
Year 1

Mrs. Kelly Noble
HLTA and Year 1

Mrs. Sarah Philpott
Year 2

Mrs. Anna Dring
Year 3

Mrs. Ellen Fernau
Year 3

Mrs. Rachel Christian
Year 4

Miss Emma Maxam
HLTA and Year 5

Ms. Emily Barker
Year 5/Year 6

Miss Jess Adcock
Year 5/Year 6

Mrs. Sarah Purvis
HLTA and Year 6

Ms. Hester Wilson

Miss Carol Slaney

Ms. Jules (Jackdaw) Capocci
Forest School Leader

Busy Bees Nursery

Mrs. Leila Adams
Nursery Teacher

Mrs. Tara Smith

Miss Pam Wade
Teaching Assistant

Miss Emma Kelly
Classroom Assistant

Mrs. Jemma Ng-Ho
Classroom Assistant

Mrs. Katie Scott
Classroom Assistant

Pastoral Support

Mrs. Debbie Winteringham
Parent Support Adviser and Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Administration Team

Miss Paula Bilverstone
School Administrator

Miss Julie Clarke
Finance Officer

Mrs. Hannah Jones
Administration Assistant

Lunchtime Supervisors

Mr. Dylan Fyfe

Miss Ellie Fyfe

Mr. Cameron Harries

Miss Izzy Hill

Mrs. Linda Hill

Mrs. Carol Lake

Mrs. Tharindra Senanayake

Miss Carol Slaney

Mrs. Julie Stubbs

Mrs. Carolyn Wigney

Mrs. Laura Willis

Premises Team

Mr. Will Feeney

Mrs. Tracie Cameron

Mrs. Caroline Harvey

Kitchen Team

Mrs. Holly Taylor
Cook Manager

Mrs. Jane Ames
Catering Assistant

Mrs. Laura Cook
Catering Assistant

8-12 Browick Road, Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 0QW

Telephone: 01953 603061

When you contact the school, your enquiry will be dealt with by a member of our administration team: Miss Paula Bilverstone (School Administrator), Miss Julie Clarke (Finance Officer) or Mrs. Hannah Jones (Administration Assistant).
Email: office@browickroad.norfolk.sch.uk

SENDCo: Miss Vicki Wild
Email: senco@browickroad.norfolk.sch.uk

Paper copies of any information on the school’s website will be provided free of charge. Please contact the school office to request any paper copies required.