Welcome to Spain class! We are Year 5 and our teacher is Mr. Bamford. Miss Maxam, Miss Adcock and Ms. Barker are our teaching assistants.
The day started by walking to the Ashleigh primary school. It was a pretty hard walk and when we got there it was worth it. We first started by walking through the school and seeing where we were going to play our matches. As we looked around, we went inside the hut where we put our lunches and bags. We practiced our passing and reaction in hopes this would help us win. After that, We had our snacks and then did a practice round until lunch. We had lunch in the small hut. After lunch we had a little time to play before our matches . After every game we shook hands with our opponent teams. At the end we played against our own teams and had loads of fun. At the end Ashleigh won by 1 game but we came 2nd but we all enjoyed it and tryed our best. Overall it was a lot of fun and we hope to go another time!
Klay & Evangeline
A trip back to the very old Norwich Castle for Year 5, to learn about the even older Ancient Civilisations!
“Our trip to Norwich Castle was great! We learned about Ancient Civilisations and more. First, we learned about how to farm and that we need ‘irrigation’ for our plants to grow. Next we learnt about ‘old time’ writing and that if we didn’t have writing, it would be HORRIBLE. Then we learnt about philosophy and putting forward our point of view. Then, we did building. We learnt how to make an arched bridge with – and for a challenge – without support. Finally, we had to plan and make an ancient city with bricks, thinking about where to put crops and different buildings. There was 16 in our group so it was a challenge!”
Thanks to everyone at Norwich Castle for a really great experience and to the Friends of Browick Road Primary and Nursery School for funding our coach ride there!
Music: We learnt how to sing the song, ‘Ghost Parade’, (Molly-Rose) and we learnt the ‘tempo’ of music (Klay).
Art: In art, we learnt about abstract art and an artist called ‘Friedensreich Hundertwasser'(Isla). He liked nature but hated straight lines (Willow). We used a viewfinder to find a small piece of his painting then drew it onto a paper and painted it unusual colours (Banjamin). We did it small then bigger – it was really fun (Katy).
PE: In PE, we went to the leisure centre in Wymondham for our swimming lessons (Alarna). It is a great way to exercise (Mabel). We got to simple and fun floats (Hugo). I tried to do a dive but ended up doing a roly-poly jump! (Lauren). In rugby, I enjoyed being a tagger pulling the tags off people’s velcro belt (George). In the first few weeks of Year 5, the sports leaders were revealed as Freddie M, Elliot, Isla, Evangeline, Ben, Bertie and Mabel (Freddie).
Science: We have been up to a lot of stuff including mixing salt into water to make an egg float (Bertie).
French: In French, we have learned the numbers 1 to 31. I used to only know up to 10 (Matt).
History: In history, we learnt about the Ancient Greeks and their gods. The Gods I like are Zeus, Poseidon and Hades (Penny & Willow).
English: In English, we have been doing story starters and all of the things that go in them (Elliot).
Maths: In maths, we are learning about rounding up or down to 1,000,000 (Willow).
Edited by: Klay & Evangeline
Our first week in year 5 was amazing. We wrote about what year 5 would be like and what we wanted to achieve. In DT we drew self-portraits with pencil. Then we went onto to the field to make our portraits out of nature. Can you guess who is in the picture? In art we designed our art book covers with water colours and sharpie to outline. We took inspiration from a video which helped us to understand how to make an ombré of water colours . We also made our own FIFA cards – we are still learning about modesty. And thats what we did in our first week of year 5!
By Evangeline and Klay
A busy term of science has had the children learning about the life cycle of plants and the things they need to grow. One of the lessons involved them dissecting a flower to discover the different parts involved in pollination. We also explored how light allows us to see, or how the absence of light inhibits our ability to see. Then we finished this week by investigating shadows.
We had a fun day completing a carousel of activities in celebration of the upcoming Olympic and Paralympic games in Paris. The children did boccia, seated volleyball, running races, javelin throwing and tri-golf as well some creative torch and medal making activities. The day was bookended by an opening and closing ceremony to talk about the core Olympic values of EXCELLENCE, RESPECT and FRIENDSHIP. A really fun day all round.
Year 3 have had fun practising their circus skills this morning. They got to balance peacock feathers, juggle juggling balls, spin plates, ride stepper pedals, use stilts, twirl ribbons and perform stunts with flowersticks. At the end, they were treated to a special performance which included some highly suspenseful knife juggling!
These past few weeks, we have been learning about the geography of the UK. The children have learnt about cities, counties and regions and have explored some of the human and physical landmarks that can be found in the UK’s four nations. Most recently, the children explored the topography (the lay of the land) and discovered that Scotland, Wales and the North West of England are much more hilly of even mountainous than the South East and around where we live! To help children see how topography can be shown on a map, the children created their very own 3D ‘contour island’, with different colours representing the different heights of the land. They did a fantastic job with these!
For Science Week, we were treated to a visit from author and former scientist, Dr. Mandy Hartley. Mandy led a ‘Forensic Ecology’ workshop where the children were given a scenario and had use very specific science skills to solve a crime. Clues were found in pollen, soil and plant samples. It was learning combined with detective work – the perfect combination!
Thanks to Mandy for her unique blend of story-telling and science. The children really enjoyed it!
Also, the children have been learning about forces and magnets in science. The children saw magnetism in action when they popped a magnet in a bowl of water and the magnet found north by itself.
Year 3 loved their martial arts taster this week with Verve Martial Arts Thetford. The children learnt some of the fundamental of karate such as respect, balance and technique.