Over time, leaders have made strategic changes to develop an ambitious and exciting curriculum, underpinned by the school’s vision for a curriculum that challenges and inspires.
The curriculum has been constructed to support children to remember and know more. Curriculum programmes have been carefully selected to provide children with an impactful curriculum, which supports the development of teacher subject knowledge.
Work is systematically and logically sequenced, building on prior knowledge. The curriculum is vocabulary rich and children develop a solid grasp of subject-specific vocabulary. In our CUSP subjects, dual-knowledge notes help children access each specific lesson by making the learning visual.
The school offers a wide and varied range of extra-curricular opportunities across the curriculum. Visits, visitors and our learning environment help to give the children new experiences and opportunities that they may not get outside of school. The curriculum has been designed to celebrate, and teach children, about their town and the local area, enhanced by our rich programme of visits.
Opportunities for personal development are weaved through the daily curriculum, including access to our on-site forest school.
Our curriculum ensures children achieve well with above national pupil outcomes in the majority of measures, many of which have improved, or been maintained, over the last few years.
Reading is fundamental to everything we do, as we understand how crucial it is for children’s success across the curriculum and their life chances. Reading is promoted throughout the curriculum.
Each year group has a reading spine which reflects diversity and supports children to experience a variety of authors and genres. These spines are supplemented by a range of text-types used for reading comprehension work in class, a wide variety of books available in classrooms and regular visits to the school library. This helps to promote a love of reading.
Each year group’s curriculum can be viewed on the Class Blogs pages.
Early Years Foundation Stage
Children in Nursery and Reception are taught the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/670f9a2030536cb92748324f/2024_EYFS_statutory_framework_for_group_and_school_based_providers.pdf
National Curriculum
Children in Years 1 to 6 are taught the National Curriculum: www.gov.uk/government/
Religious Education
Religious Education follows the Norfolk Agreed Syllabus. We have a daily assembly and welcome local ministers and other visitors into school to lead assemblies.
If you wish to withdraw your child from assemblies or RE, you may do so in accordance with the Norfolk Agreed Syllabus.
A parent/carer may request:
- that their child be wholly or partly excused from receiving RE given in accordance with the Agreed Syllabus;
- that a pupil, who is wholly or partly excused from receiving RE provided by the school, may receive RE of the kind desired by the parent/carer elsewhere, provided that it will not interfere with the attendance of the pupil on any day, except at the beginning or end of a school session;
- that a pupil, who is wholly or partly excused from receiving RE provided by the school, may receive RE of the kind desired by the parent/carer on the school premises, provided that it does not entail ay expenditure by the responsible authority.
Any such requests should be made in writing to the Headteacher.
Equality and Diversity
Please click here to see our Equality Information and Objectives Statement and how we comply with our duties in the Equality Act 2010:
Equality and Diversity Policy (including Equality Objectives)
Please click here to see our SEND Policy and how we comply with our duties in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014:
SEND Cluster Policy