A healthy fruit or vegetable mid-morning snack is provided for the children, so there is no need to send anything in. The children are also given a drink of milk or water. All of the children have their own named cups at Nursery, and may help themselves to water throughout the day, so there is no need to send in a water bottle. If your child does not drink cow’s milk, you may send in a milk alternative (e.g. oat or soya milk) if you wish.
Children who are in for the full day, or an afternoon session, may bring in a fruit or vegetable snack to enjoy mid-afternoon.
If children are staying for a full day, they will eat their lunch in the school hall, accompanied by Nursery staff. You are welcome to send in a packed lunch if you wish – this should be healthy and balanced and not contain nuts, sweets or fizzy drinks.
Alternatively, you are able to order a school lunch for your child. You can view the current menu here: There are always two hot options, a school packed lunch, and a jacket potato option to choose from. You can order lunches by emailing us at at the beginning of the week with your choices. Payment for lunches is made via your Parentmail account, which will be set up when you join us.
Some Nursery children may be eligible for free school lunches. Check here to find out if this applies to your child:
Clothing and equipment
Children do not need to wear uniform – all we ask is that they come to Nursery in clothing that is practical, that you don’t mind getting dirty, and is suitable for the weather conditions. Tracksuit trousers/leggings/pull-on shorts are ideal. Some parents choose to buy a school jumper. These are available from Gooddies.
All children must have appropriate outdoor clothing for the weather conditions, as we play outside all year round! A waterproof coat is essential, as are wellington boots, a warm winter coat, warm mittens and hat, and a sunhat (preferably with a wide brim) in the summer. We have some waterproof all-in-one suits, but you are welcome to send in your own. Children should bring a medium-sized backpack each day, containing a full change of clothes and comfortable indoor shoes (e.g. plimsolls). Any children still in nappies should come to Nursery in a clean nappy, with a day’s supply of nappies, wipes and nappy bags in their backpack.