Welcome to China class! We are the Reception class. Mrs. Robertson is our teacher and Mrs. Thari, Mrs. Reeder and Mrs. Wright are our teaching assistants.
In Reception, you'll find us busy learning through play every day. We balance whole-class teaching, individual and small group work with lots of planned and free play activities. Watching, playing with and talking to the children about what they're doing and enjoying, helps us plan to grow their learning. We use the online learning journal 'Tapestry' to work with parents too.
Do look at our blog to find out more about what fun we've been having whilst we are learning!
If you can't see what you're looking for here, you'll find information for new starters on the 'Noticeboard' tab and our curriculum map under 'Information'.
Please see below for our knowledge organisers for each half-term in Reception and the long-term overview of our curriculum.
Our story will be: Chicken Clicking – Jeanne Willis
Our rhyme of the week will be: I had a Little Nut Tree
Our maths work will focus on: Building 9 and 10
We will also be: wearing our pyjamas on Wednesday and hunting for numbers around the school.
Our story will be: Chicken Clicking – Jeanne Willis
Our rhyme of the week will be: I had a Little Nut Tree
Our maths work will focus on: Length, Height and Time
We will also be: Talking about e-safety.
Our story will be: Shu Lin’s Grandpa – Matt Goodfellow
Our rhyme of the week will be: I had a Little Nut Tree
Our maths work will focus on: Growing 6, 7, 8
We will also be: continuing to learn about China and talking about Chinese New Year.
Our story will be: Shu Lin’s Grandpa – Matt Goodfellow
Our rhyme of the week will be: Michael Finnigan
Our maths work will focus on: Growing 6, 7, 8
We will also be: learning about China and Chinese culture.
Our story will be: A No-Money Day by Kate Milner
Our rhyme of the week will be: Michael Finnigan
Our maths work will focus on: Mass and Capacity
We will also be: learning about food banks and playing ‘what’s the time Mr Wolf?’.
Our story will be: I’m (Almost) Always Kind by Anna Milbourne
Our rhyme of the week will be: A Sailor Went to Sea, Sea, Sea
Our maths work will focus on: Alive in 5
We will also be: learning about Christianity and doing Christmas activities.
Our story will be: I’m (Almost) Always Kind by Anna Milbourne
Our rhyme of the week will be: Pop! Goes the Weasel
Our maths work will focus on: Alive in 5
We will also be: Performing our Christmas play, making worry dolls and calendars.
Our story will be: I’m (Almost) Always Kind by Anna Milbourne
Our rhyme of the week will be: Pop! Goes the Weasel
Our maths work will focus on: 4 sided shapes
We will also be: practising our Christmas performance songs and giving compliments.
Our story will be: The Dark by Lemony Snicket
Our rhyme of the week will be: Little Jack Horner
Our maths work will focus on: 4 sided shapes
We will also be: investigating light and dark, practising our Christmas performance songs and balancing on 1 leg.
Our story will be: The Dark by Lemony Snicket
Our rhyme of the week will be: London Bridge is Falling Down
Our maths work will focus on: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
We will also be: investigating light and dark, making shadow puppets and talking about how to deal with worries.