Welcome to Year 6, Sweden class! Miss Walker is our teacher. Our teaching assistants are Mrs. Purvis, Miss Adcock and Ms. Barker.
Sweden class have been enjoying investigating the properties of light. In this lesson, Year 6 learnt about the colours of the visible spectrum. Using prisms and CDs, they explored how white light can be split into a rainbow. They went on to learn that Sir Isaac Newton discovered that light was made of colours in 1666. The children then created spinners with the colours of the visible spectrum which, when spun, combined to form white. There were several ‘Wow’ moments in this lesson as well as great knowledge and questions shared by our Year 6 scientists.

Volunteers from Greening Wymondham came into school to talk to the Year 6 children about the importance of trees. The children discovered that trees play an essential role in the health of our planet and in our own physical, mental and spiritual health. It was interesting to learn about how trees can live many hundreds of years, communicating and protecting each other too, through their roots. As many more trees are vital for a healthy future, all the Year 6 pupils were able to chose their own tree to take home and plant. We look forward to hearing about how your trees are growing, Year 6.

We had a brilliant time down in the Forest Schools area with Jules this week. We made things out of wood, climbed trees, made potions, looked for insects and even saw a deer run across the school field! As we’ve been doing our first practice assessments in the mornings, it’s been particularly nice having these sessions to look forward to in the afternoons. A big thank you to Jules!
We’ve had some very creative sessions in class with lovely Art and Music lessons. We started our Art unit by experimenting with different sketching pencils and drawing realistic sketches of fruit. These then became more surreal as we started to add unexpected colours. Stay tuned for pictures of how these have now turned into colourful paintings and pastel pictures.
In Music, we have started using Charanga YuStudio on the ipads to compose our own rhythms and layer different drum sounds to create exciting music. We are looking forward to seeing what else we can create on here!
Congratulations to our new House Captains who had their badges awarded in a special assembly. Thank you to the parents for keeping it secret for us, and well done to the pupils – we know you’re going to be brilliant!

Thank you to everyone who came along to the residential meeting today. If you couldn’t make it, here’s the powerpoint to look through at home. Letters will be going home on Friday, then feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.